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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Christopher Nolan: The Wizard of Hollywood !!

How does he do it??? How is it possible that every time I think he cannot out-do his last project, he comes up with something even more intricate and complex ??? Let me get this straight from the start, that INCEPTION (like every movie-buff knows…by now!!) is set in dreams. In dreams, everything is possible….Hence Nolan had the toughest task to justify that randomness of a dream, but also had to make sure that they aren’t gimmicky and there was logic behind the randomness. He fuses absurdity and logic into such a beautiful mix, that the viewer is hooked to the very last second.

All those viewers…who love attending calls and replying to texts in between movies, may have to forget about their cell-phones for 2 Hrs 22 Minutes..!! Missing a scene, could get u all fuzzy for the rest of the movie. Watch, listen and read (yeah…they’ve released it with subtitles in India) and surrender yourself to Nolan’s creation for the above mentioned tenure.

The Subject is complex, and a bad film-maker could’ve totally ruined the subject. But Its Chris Nolan, of course!! The script and the screenplay are both brain-teasing, and they need you to follow each and every moment of the film. The Movie has been shot in 6 different countries, so don’t get fooled by the complex plot, at heart it is after all a Blockbuster. Stunning visuals, and alongside the ever-gray human emotion give the film its emotional depth to feel for the characters. As if Sci-Fi and Drama weren’t enough, Nolan treats us with some jaw-dropping action sequences (Like the one…in which a freight-train runs across a city!!). Plenty of chase sequences will keep even the dumbest viewers interested. Wally Pfister (DOP) was noticed for his contribution with the I-Max cameras for DARK KNIGHT, he takes the camera a level ahead….right into the character’s head. Hans Zimmer is hands down, an amazing artiste. The background score compliments the film scene-wise. Not very showy, and there lies its beauty.

The Actors hardly surprise. An ensemble cast, put together by Nolan delivers. Leo DiCaprio is your go-to man for such dark and disturbing roles. He just replaced Tom Hanks as my favorite actor, after awe-inspiring performances in both SHUTTER ISLAND and this. He has this gift of conveying the confusion and illusions of his character, which I’ve seen no one doing any better than this. The connection he shares with his audience is magical. Joseph-Gordon Levitt as the ally (ARTHUR), Ken Watanabe as Mr. Saito (The one who hires Leo and Joseph), Ellen Page as Ariadne (The Prodigy architect for the dreams), Cilian Murphy and the charming Tom Hardy as the Mr. Eames (The ultimate forger in the dream world). A special mention for Marion Cotillard as Mal (Leo’s dead wife…who is the reason for his confusion for choosing between the real and the dream world) is beautiful and haunting at the same time.

All and all, the murkiness of the plot intrigues, than any recent movie…I can remember.
U wanna watch it ?? Watch it on the big screen, that’s what u as a movie-goer deserve and also this is the minimum respect Nolan commands.

My rating - ****

Loud-Thoughts of an Article-Assistant……on his first Business visit !!!!

“Good Morning, son!! How was your journey??”

This is how…I was expecting my Boss to reply to my Good-morning-wish when we met him at the Thivim-Train Station (Goa). That’s when my Boss’ son (yes…that annoying jackass came along!!!) woke me up…in his typical “cool-wannabe-Bandra” accent “Hey Dude…Do u want Omelet Or Cutlet for Breakfast ??” “An Omlette sounds good enough…!!” I replied.

We reached the Thivim Station at around 11am. The moment I pre-visualized of greeting my Boss with a Good morning-wish….was approaching, and so could I feel the suspense building. That’s when he comes in his Navy-Blue Swift…to pick us up. “Good Morning….Sir !!” I say with great anticipation; and I get Silence for a reply…!


We are driven straight to our House-cum Office (i.e. we use the Bedrooms to Sleep, While the Hall is equipped with the necessary PCs, I-T Reckoners, and Client-Files) in Mapusa. No Television. The Wimbledon Finals – WC (Football) Finals are lined up for the next 2 Sundays, I am preparing myself for a heart-break as I am going to miss them both while, my friends will be watching it in the comfort of their living rooms. As I know my Boss, he is not too keen on things, that do not influence his Business (His Profession, actually!!). We freshen up and get ready for an Internal Audit Assignment (as we were told earlier!!). We first go for Lunch…and then head off to our Client’s Place in Miramar.

Note : My First day…was spent going through vintage files…with papers scattering all over the place. And my Re-imbursement calculations stand at Rs 500/- for the Dinner !!


BREAKING NEWS….. BREAKING NEWS….My Boss’ son says something sensible. I forgot to mention this in the earlier day’s entry that the place we were given for working was a nice plush Apartment, which looked good enough to stay. He makes this suggestion to his Dad (My Boss!) that instead of going back to Mapusa we should stay back in Miramar. And surprise…surprise…..we have a television at our disposal in that apartment until then no Sound from my Boss’ son had made me any happier.


We are working our backsides off, putting in 12-14 hour shifts. Right from 9.30 am to 10.00-10.30 pm. I know…..there are lots of “people” grinning at this…”people” who work longer without making a big deal about it (Dad…..!). But 12 hours a day is my cracking point, that’s when I lose interest in work totally.

Oh yes…forgot to tell u that “Sir” (My Boss) went back within 2 days of our arrival !! So its up to his son to..take care of our Dinners and Lunches (Is there a plural for “Lunch”? ) And that Jackass…(Yes…he is one for sure….which u will get comfortable with…in due course) makes no suggestions of leaving work. Its 10.00pm…..all Restaurants are about to close….(they close around 10.30 – 11.00) and we’re still waiting for a “Lets Pack up guys…Time for Dinner !!”. A suggestion that never came….so finally at 10.15 my colleague comes up with his part of the deal…”Sir, Jahmva matein jaoon chhoo ??”.
“Sure…Sure…Why din’t u guys tell me earlier ??” He tells us…pretending that he has heard about “Dinner” for the first time. Jackass….I tell you !!

Now, It happens everyday…We wait for his suggestion till 10.00 for a suggestion that never comes…and finally at 10.15 we break-free. Jackass. One good thing is that we watched both the Wimbledon and FIFA Finals with the regular Jack-ass taunts “ Federer sucks…!!!” He announces like he is the successor for Vijay Amritraj’s Job.

Note : Works gone from bad to worse. The soggy files have outnumbered my teeth. And they’re lying in every corner of the living room in heaps. My re-imbursement calculations have just broken the 1500-mark.


A few more days have passed, and we have re-structured the whole accounting system as we were supposed to do (Even though...we were told that it is an Internal-Audit assignment. The kind of things CAs have to keep their clients happy….amusing I tell u !!) Jackass …is on his way back to Mumbai. Boss will be replacing him (Thank god….I and my colleague exhale !!). As and when he arrives…We are pleasantly surprised to see his wife accompanying him…on this visit. She preaches to us (Me and my Colleague !!) the secret to passing the CA exams (Seeing two sitting next to her…!!). She tells us that if u become a CA, you’ll automatically command a lot of respect and also u get to marry a good girl (“Lagan maathein saari chhokri mile…” as she said it and I could interpret it in bits and pieces….Why are Gujaratis obsessed with Marrigae all the time ??) End of Dinner, End of Gyaan. We’re relieved.

Note : Works become very easy. Especially with the Boss living with his wife in Mapusa, and the whole Miramar Apt. for us…We hardly work. (Haha !!). We hang out at the Miramar Beach everyday…after 7pm.


Our Boss realizes that all that we have done for the past two weeks, was a waste. “I’ve got a better plan….” as he puts it. We are now, putting aside Jackass’ instructions and following our Boss’ instructions. The Job’s over in 2 days, and he goes for a meeting with the client with all the reports with him. He comes out Half-hour later… “We have to put this assignment on hold for 15 days. Why don’t u guys take the day !! I’ll pick u up tomorrow and we’ll have a new assignment for u.”; “Sir, I was thinking if I could go back to Mumbai this weekend ??” I ask reluctantly. “Sure…Sure…Book yourself a ticket on the Bus and go back tonight if u want..!!” He replies with a smile.

So here I am….with Zero-work (Effectively) for 3 weeks ….on my Bus to Mumbai, summing up the loud thoughts of an Article-Assistant on the first out-station Audit (Or whatever it was….!!).

Note : My last night’s calculations…have shown my Re-imbursements of touching the 5000-mark !! And I bring home….Two packets of cashews and Vanilla-Muffins. Ta Da….Ta Da….Ta Da !

By the way…the animal reference to the villain of my story is the “White-Tiger-effect !!” Please do not take it racially. Mrs. Maneka Gandhi….please do not take me to court, for abusing animals !!