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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Agantuk (The Stranger)/[Bengali].

Two hours into the psyche of the finest Indian film-maker can be very refreshing. As he takes his pot-shots at a double-standard-society through his sarcastic, but witty lines. Where a guest is "welcomed" subject to terms and conditions.He goes ahead to suggest, whether Urbanization has actually helped the human-race !!! Infact, this "always-look-good" society has paid so much heed to the "orthodox-mannerisms" that we have lost that simplicity, which used to be a desirable trait once upon a time.

Satyajit Ray, with his last offering "Agantuk" captivates the viewer with genuine ambiguity when an uninvited guest announces his arrival into his "supposed-niece's" house. The basic plot is a cracker of a idea, but the execution had to be tricky. How do u take the narrative forward, without avoiding the principal characters turning into mock-detectives ?!! More do you end it, and still keep the ambiguity intact ?? And just when i have mentally-dissected this film do i realize that i've just begun to discover the work of a genius-story teller.

My favourite thing about this movie is that it has long intellectual conversations. Many infact. Some may find it difficult to deal with, as Utpal Dutt (Protagonist) goes to great lengths to make his point to the "Society-puppets". One of my favourite instances in the film is where the protagonist (shockingly !!) defends CANNIBALS. But he later clarifies that it goes without saying that what Cannibals do is barbaric, but then why isn't the same said about the airline-pilots who by the press of a button wipe out the roots of an entire city ?! Sophisticated, is it ?! Listening to this are the characters and the audience in total awe... !! Another favourite moment in the film is when the protagonist sees his "supposed-niece" joining some tribal dancers for a dance. Seeing this he says to her husband (sarcastically), "Before this, I had a doubt whether she really was my niece or not !!! But seeing this...i must accept she is MY niece, afterall !!"

The Actors are all top-notch. Utpal Dutt, as the protagonist gives us perfect poise in his expressions. Awes us by his incredibly Encyclopedic-knowledge (Which is obviously SATYAJIT RAY speaking to us through his characters) about other languages, countries and the indian society overall. Dipankar Dey is the ever-suspecting husband, but he optimizes it with middle-class-nobility. Mamata Shankar, is my favourite character in the film because she's in a constant-dilemma whether she should bow to her Uncle's-charm OR her Husband's-skepticism. Which quite often makes her teary-eyed in the movie. Rabi Ghosh and Dhritiman Chatterjee, leave lasting impressions as a consequence of those beautifully-written conversations.

This is one movie to be watched, so as to arrest the ideals of an "aware human being". Who, using his precise yet humourous tone wanted people to understand the shift that the society has undergone, and how the "orthodox-mannerism" have turned into an obligation. The simplicity has gone missing somewhere........

Saturday, August 21, 2010

UDAAN - Movie review.

A flight, i thouroughly enjoyed inspite of all the turbulence beneath the surface of its characters.

I've been dying to watch this movie for the past month since its release...But after
emptying my pockets on INCEPTION (Twice :P) i hardly had a choice but to wait for it.
Today i found it on my DTH, and a breath of fresh air hit me.

Its amazing, how rare... "good movies" have become. And who else can u expect it from but ANURAG KASHYAP - one of the most exciting film-makers in the country !! Watching a movie like UDAAN like listening to a soulful song, where u will find a new meaning everytime u re-visit. The Movie is uncompromised, thus it may seem drab to some "masala-entertainment-seeking-audience". But, lets clarify once and for all that a song is still no replacement for a sensible scene.

The script is an engaging story of a 17-year old dealing with a dysfunctional family after being expelled from his Boarding school. An authoritarian father, a 6-year old half brother (who he did not even know existed) and being dumped into an engineering college are only a start for Rohan (Rajat Barmecha), our protagonist. His dreams of being writer are trashed away by his over-bearing father the day he arrives. Here on, it is a simple story of how he is going to stay put with his father, rather... for how long ??

Rajat Barmecha, as a seventeen year old "Rohan" gives us a performance that has hit me like a dart of slow poison. Its less expressive, but where he is emoting right into your heart.His little brother "Arjun" (Aayan Barodiya) is the most heart-warming character of the year.Ronit Roy, as the "pushy and un-caring" father gives us my favourite performance of the movie.He is strict, intense and violent, but what makes Ronit Roy such a towering performer is that he is always measured. He never over-does it, hence it does not turn him into a caricatured-villain. He is till the end a "Father", afterall.

The music is haunting, and relieving at the same time. Amit Trivedi gives us a champion soundtrack. The songs have been used perfectly, never too loud and always fitting the situation, hence does not highlight them prominently. There lies the beauty of the Soundtrack.A special mention for Amitabh Bhattacharya & Anurag Kashyap for the literary-rich Poems/lyrics, which have become so rare too. Mahendra Shetty's silhouettes are not too flashy, but just about perfect to potray the distance between the characters.

The real stars of this movie are Vikramaditya Motwane (Director) who makes a rock-solid debut and the Writers Vikramaditya Motwane/Anurag Kashyap who give us witty lines to feed on, and some pretty intense scenes (So pleasing to watch !!!)

A good movie is so great to watch, even these poignant ones..which leave a void once
they are over. Three Cheers for the team of UDAAN, it is movies like these, which should be made instead of those "Sajid/Farah-Khan-entertainers".