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Friday, February 4, 2011

Confessions of a Wannabe-Idealist

The concept of not being understood is not unheard of, and that of being mis-interpreted is not foreign. Atleast not to me...
There's this conflict inside me and no matter how much i try to overlook it to lead the 'normal' life, the question only gets deeper and graver.

"What is the source of a lifetime of happiness and contentment ?"

There are these various concepts that take birth from this very question. Terms like "Nirvana" and "Mukti" (Liberation) are thrown about into the mix. A boy tried hard, finding the answer with extreme measures and embraced death while doing so
(Read: Chris Mccandless). I will be honest and admit that I'm not as brave as this boy. Not because I'm afraid of death,more so because I cringe at the thought of giving up my 'materialistic indulgences', and I hate myself for that.

The slacker inside me asks, "What good could you possibly achieve by cutting-off from civilisation? Whats the point in going back to the wild, hunting your meal, feeding on Wild fruits and Veggies ? Is it really worth it ?"
The cynic says, "You won't even survive a week without proper food, shelter ! How do you plan to stay alive??"

In short why go anywhere, when you can live a life full of all the comforts at your finger-tips?! But then I give an argument about the inner-happiness, the inner-contentment..and it ends in a deadlock as usual.

"You need to take it easy, and not get too deep into such stuff", this is what my friends would say to the questions with no answers. "Can't be juggling blood and fire all the time! Can you?"

I don't even know what awaits me in life, or maybe I will make the decision about how I shall leave the world on my terms, and the 'question' a bit more unravelled. All that has been written is not the blowup of some rebellious teenager. I hope somebody reading this would try and understand my perspective, I hope I would find my answer to eternal contentment, I hope...

Note: The Movie "INTO THE WILD" is the provocation for this article. I urge everyone to watch this film and introspect.