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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bhopal's injustice - a slap on the face for each citizen of India !!

I'm angry. Very angry. Disgusted.... to say the least.
Just saw on prime-time news that the accussed in the Bhopal gas tragedy have been let-off with Rs 1 Lac-fine and immediate bail. I mean..what the hell is wrong with the indian judiciary ??! Its the saddest day since 26/11. In a layman's words, sadly "the constitution has been molested with in broad day-light by hot-shot lawyers, UCIL, and the Bureaucracy of India". This letting-off is a reminder that the Constitution and the Law they're just words on a paper, which can be twisted and turned to be used by the trickerists (lawyers, Politicos ) for their own good. The Judiciary has let the victims down very badly.

After 26 years, 15000 deaths, a million injured, and destruction of a whole generation (born Paraplegic or deformed beacuse of the gas leakage) all that the judiciary did was fining the accused ?! The Govt. promising all kinds of financial help has not paid a single paisa till date (even 26 years later !!).

But what have i got to do...?? I can just ignore it, and rather worry about , what train i have to catch to reach office on time, what i will have for Lunch ??Dal makhani OR Paneer kadai ?? thats what we do...right !! I mean come on we are the middle class, what else CAN we do ?? I have to worry about my degree, a decent job, a beautiful life-partner ...thats all there is to life, isn't it ???

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH US ??? HOW LONG....are we going to ignore Dharavi, and rave about Bandra ??? Talk about a Developing Super-Power in the making and keep our eyes shut to such disaster-judgements ??? How long ??? I've had enough of the system-argument...i've decided to do something on my own....that is "WRITE ABOUT IT" until i can do something concrete for the victims.
Lets stop being content, and ignoring the trash our country possesses. Lets circle them out , and throw them out of the country. Swear an oath now.... 'cos tragedies have become routine these days. YOU COULD BE THE NEXT VICTIM, and there won't be anyone to defend u.

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